Tucked within the 78756 and 78757 zip code you will find the neighborhood of Allandale. Located in the heart of north-central Austin this area offers residents with an urban suburban mix feel. Here you will find diverse family-friendly neighborhoods that feature quiet streets lined with mature trees. Though the neighborhood is mostly residential, pockets of commercial development offer local retailer ranging from creative taco joints to foodie hot spots and relaxed pubs, it’s an understatement to say that there is a lot to do around this neighborhood. This area is bordered by Hancock Drive to the south, MoPac Expressway to the west, Burnet Road to the east, and Anderson Lane to the north. Also situated between Shoal Creek and Highland Park Court, this area offers many options for our outdoor goers. Areas like Perry Park, Shinoak Valley Greenbelts, Lions Municipal Golf Courses, Mount Bonnell, and Ladybird Lake, just to name a few, are all within a few miles.